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Mother, These Various Causes of Reduced Breast Milk and How to Overcome It

Some breastfeeding mothers may have experienced decreased or not as much breast milk production as usual. If various methods have been done but have not been successful, Mother can find possible causes, so that an appropriate solution can be found. Decreased milk production certainly triggers mothers' concerns about the adequacy of baby's nutritional intake, especially for babies who only consume milk. Come on, find out what are the causes, as well as how to overcome them.

Factors That May Cause Breast Milk Reducing

Generally, milk production is reduced because there are certain problems that cause the frequency of breastfeeding is reduced. For example, your nipples hurt when you breastfeed, or you are tired. In addition, there are several factors that can also cause reduced milk production, including:
  • Do not immediately start breastfeeding

  • Maybe you wait too long before you start breastfeeding regularly or take too long to pause before breastfeeding. This condition causes the stimulus to the body of the mother to produce breast milk to be reduced.
  • Improper adhesion

  • The attachment of the baby's mouth to the breast is not right so the baby does not suck the milk properly,
  • Mother's body is adjusting to the needs of the baby

  • After the baby passes the age of 6 months, his milk needs will increase. As your baby becomes more frequent breastfeeding, you may feel that your breasts are more empty, so that your milk feels less.
  • Stress or experience a traumatic experience

  • Decreased breast milk can be felt by mothers who have experienced stress when becoming a new mother, or have experienced traumatic experiences after giving birth. Especially if the experience could affect physical conditions, such as bleeding after giving birth. Plus, this condition can make a mother separate from the baby for care.
  • Impaired thyroid function

  • Mothers can also experience reduced milk if they experience hypothyroidism or reduced thyroid function. Why so? This is because the thyroid participates in regulating breastfeeding hormones, namely oxytocin and prolactin.
  • Drug consumption or contraception

  • Mothers consume certain drugs, including the consumption of birth control pills that contain estrogen. In addition, fever and allergy medications containing pseudoephedrine can also reduce milk production. These drugs are unfortunately widely sold freely on the market, so Mother needs to be more careful in reading the label of the drug before taking it.
  • Consuming too much certain herbs

  • Peppermint, oregano, and thyme extract can reduce milk production. The consumption of these ingredients should be limited.
In addition, reduced supply of breast milk can also be experienced in mothers who have had breast surgery, are overweight or obese, high blood pressure during pregnancy, and diabetes that is not handled properly. Generally, a decrease in milk supply will not harm the baby. But still need to watch out, because if left unchecked, over time can cause the baby to experience malnutrition, especially at the age where breast milk is the only source of nutrition for the baby.

What to do?

No need to panic, Bun. What often happens, Mother's milk production is actually enough. It's just a way to give it that is not quite right, or the problem is not yet solved. Let's try the following things, Bun, to increase breast milk production again:
  • Continue to breastfeed

  • Basically, your body will adjust the production of breast milk to the needs of your child. So don't stop and breastfeed more often.
  • Pumping breast milk

  • If you are unable to breastfeed directly because of work, be sure to pump breast milk regularly. Diligent pumping breast milk can also help maintain the level of milk production.
  • Checking sticking

  • Check whether your little mouth is perfectly attached to the breast of the mother. If not, maybe you can consult a doctor or
  • lactation counselor. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

  • When breastfeeding you should not consume liquor and smoke, yes, Bun. Both can reduce the production and quality of breast milk.
  • Choosing contraception for nursing mothers

  • Birth control pills that only contain progestins can be chosen by nursing mothers, because a combination birth control pill can interfere with the supply of breast milk. Consult the right choice of family planning to the doctor, for mothers who are breastfeeding.
  • Avoid giving formula milk or MPASI too quickly

  • It is best to avoid giving formula milk or food to babies before 6 months of age, except for medical indications. Because, babies may be more like formula milk, so it is less frequent breastfeeding and milk production will decrease.
If many methods have been tried but the production of breast milk is still lacking, Mother can see a doctor, or take advantage of lactation consulting services. However, as long as the Little weight is enough, normal urination, and he is healthy and active, so you do not need to worry too much. Keep the spirit of breastfeeding, yes.
